The Page of Swords
Themes: Curiosity, wit, knowledge-seeker, truth-seeker
Astrological Signs: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius

My Page of Swords Story
The Call of Curiosity
In the early years of my spiritual seeking, I was browsing at a crystal shop in Philadelphia when a book caught the corner of my eye. It was called Many lives, Many Masters, by Brian Weiss, a book about past lives. I was curious, but I dared not go towards it. At the time, I was worried about being a weirdo, and didn’t want to be caught looking at something as strange as past lives.
What if people see me looking at this book?— I thought. Even in a crystal shop, I was self-conscious about my woo-woo curiosity.
In the following weeks, the book continued to creep into my mind. In my earlier years, I had a strong will when it came to suppressing desire, but this one got the better of me. In the dark of the night, I researched reincarnation books on Amazon in the privacy of my own home.
Where no one can see me, I purchased my first past lives book, on kindle — Beyond Past Lives by Mira Kelley. I don’t tend to be a fast reader, but this book, I finished in 3 days. Thirsty for more, I read Many lives, Many Masters, which led to Journey of Souls by Michael Newton PhD (a book about what happens to souls between lives), which then led to It Will All Make Sense When You’re Dead by Priscilla Kersey and so on — down the rabbit hole I went.
Curiosity leads us toward our path
Following that call of curiosity, I unlocked new territory within me that led me to great healing. With insatiable curiosity for past lives, karma and the process of reincarnation, I went for a past life regression with a hypnotherapist, where I experienced a past life with my ex, resulting in a huge healing around that relationship. Soon after, I enrolled in Clairvoyant Training where I learned how to read past lives for myself and others, which has been an integral part of my healing process.
We truly never know where our curiosities may lead and my journey with past lives reminds me to always give myself permission to be curious. Sometimes, we can convince ourselves that entertaining our little curiosities is a waste of time. However weird our call, we never know what big, expansive paths our explorations may lead to. Allow yourself to be curious!

Rider- Waite Smith Tarot
Page of Swords
The Meaning of the Page of Swords
Standing upon a mound, clouds surround amidst the air, a youngster holds a sword with two hands to the side, as if they are about to swing. In the Rider-Waite Smith Tarot, the Page of Swords is in a fighting stance, but are unsure how; they’re still learning to wield their sword.
The Page of Swords is a court card, which refers to a person (can be you, or someone else, and a person of any gender). In personality, the Page of Swords is curious, eager to learn, smart and witty. Swords represent Air in the Tarot, corresponding to the astrological signs of Libra, Gemini and Aquarius — they are intellectual, constantly asking ‘why’ and are searchers of truth. They can be playful communicators, exchanging intriguing banters and flirtations. If the Page of Swords is referring to you, you’re being invited to embody these qualities in your situation.
Lean into beginner’s mind
The Page of Swords can also refer to the beginning of a new life stage. In every new beginning, exploration, learning and researching is often the first step. For example, if one wants to become a doctor, they can’t just be one — they must first be a student and learn everything there is to know. Everyone must start in the beginning. This is true for starting a new project, job or relationship, an exploration stage is necessary in the beginning. We gather information so that we can better understand, and gain a more informed view before moving forward.
If you’ve pulled the Page of Swords for yourself, you’re being invited to lean into your curiosities. Is there something you’ve been wanting to learn more about? Go for it. Allow yourself to go down rabbit holes and find the answers to the questions in your mind. Swords / Air also rules writing — if there is something you’ve been meaning to write, the Universe is encouraging you to write it. Allow yourself to explore your authentic voice without needing it to be perfect. Let it be a playful exploration.
Page of Swords Quotes & Wisdom
“If you can let go of passion and follow your curiosity, your curiosity just might lead you to your passion.”– Elizabeth Gilbert
“Choosing to be curious is choosing to be vulnerable because it requires us to surrender to uncertainty. It wasn’t always a choice; we were born curious. But over time, we learn that curiosity, like vulnerability, can lead to hurt. As a result, we turn to self-protecting—choosing certainty over curiosity, armor over vulnerability, and knowing over learning.” – Brene Brown
“What I have is a malevolent curiosity. That’s what drives my need to write and what probably leads me to look at things a little askew. I do tend to take a different perspective from most people.” – David Bowie
“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.” — Zora Neale Hurston
“Be curious, not judgmental” —Ted Lasso
Intuitively exploring the Page of Swords for yourself
Use the following prompts to explore the card for yourself using any tarot deck
- Describe the imagery in the card.
- What elements stand out to you?
- What do the elements mean to you?
- How does the card make you feel?
There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to intuitive exploration. The meanings above are an interpretation of the card, but I encourage you to explore the card for yourself.
A few written paragraphs is not going to apply to everyone, but simply a starting point. Get curious and explore the card for yourself.
Received the Page of Swords?
Additional Journaling Prompts to Ask Yourself
- What qualities of the Page of Swords would be helpful for you to embody at this time?
- What new beginning is happening for you at this time?
- What explorations and research would be helpful in this new beginning?
- What curiosities have been plaguing you?
- In what ways can you give yourself permission to explore your curiosities?
Tarot decks pictured in header: (left to right)
Modern Witch Tarot, Rider-Waite Smith Tarot, Tarot of Mystical Moments, The Housewives Tarot
Journaling with Tarot
Tuesdays @ 2 PM Pacific
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Tarot learners of all levels are welcome.
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