My go-to, 3-card tarot spread. Includes examples!
Here’s my favorite 3-card tarot spread that works for almost any situation—complete with examples to show how it all comes together!

A 3-card spread is the bread and butter of tarot—quick, easy, and perfect for when you need insight in a pinch. If you’re wondering what a tarot spread is, it’s simply a way to lay out the cards where each position has a meaning, like a map guiding you through a situation.
Tarot spreads are meant to make readings clearer, but sometimes they feel like they’re just adding another layer of confusion. You might find yourself wondering how to connect the card positions or how the whole thing ties together.
Luckily, this 3-card spread is simple, to the point, and works for almost any situation—whether you’re reading for yourself or someone else. I’ll be sharing a few examples to show how a reading can come together like a neatly wrapped gift.
Alright, let’s dive in!

1) Question / Issue – More information about the question or issue.
The card in the first position gives key insight into the question or issue, summing up the situation in a nutshell. It helps get straight to the heart of the matter, setting the stage for the rest of the reading.
For example:
- Reading A: If we get the 3 of Swords, we know that the question is about heartbreak and grief.
- Reading B: If we get the 2 of Pentacles, we know that there is a decision that needs to be made and it’s been challenging weighting pros and cons
- Reading C: If we get the Page of Swords, we know they are learning something new, and excited but feeling out of their element
If we’re reading for someone else, this card helps us understand what they’re truly asking and creates a bridge of empathy between reader and readee. If no question was asked, it becomes our starting point—revealing what the divine wants to highlight.
When reading for ourselves, it serves as both confirmation from the divine and a way to focus our attention on the core issue at hand.
2) What’s happening internally? – Feelings and beliefs affecting the situation
The card in the second position reveals what’s happening internally—whether it’s emotions, feelings about the situation, or underlying beliefs (including limiting ones) that may be influencing things.
It shows how the inner world shapes our outer world and vice versa. Identifying these internal influences can bring clarity, spark healing, and foster empathy for the situation.
For example:
- Reading A: If we get The Hermit, then perhaps they are feeling lonely or that no one understands them. They can feel like ‘us against the world’ (when, likely, it’s not true — it’s just a feeling / belief)
- Reading B: If we get the Eight of Wands, then perhaps they are feeling anxious to make this decision quickly because they are feeling behind. These feelings can bring up a limited belief that they’re failing from this pressure from within.
- Reading C: If we get the Hanged Man, then perhaps they feel stuck between a rock and a hard place, and feel a bit frozen when it comes to getting started. They are feeling unconfident and can bring up limited beliefs that they are not good at what they are learning.
3) How to move forward – Next steps in resolution
The card is the third position is the card everyone wants to see—how do I move forward? The third card holds the advice, pointing the way forward.
Keep in mind that the first two cards may already hint at solutions, and the third card helps to drive it home, and bring the reading together.
For example:

Reading A: If we pull the Lovers, then in order to move forward, the divine is calling for the person to make loving choices and to focus on their self love.
The 3 of Swords and The Hermit from earlier in the spread, indicates that past heartbreaks has created a deep wound within them that is creating this feeling of loneliness. Healing is called for, whether that’s therapy, trauma work or a modality of their choice. It may be hard to feel the pain of the past, but the divine invites them to have the courage to face those feelings. Love and wisdom will be gained from this journey, if they choose to engage.

Reading B: If we get the Knight of Swords, then the divine is advising the person to think quickly and act quickly. Throw caution to the wind, without worrying about everything being perfect. Just do it!
The 2 of Pentacles and Eight of wands from earlier in the spread, indicates that there is this ‘back and forth’ energy with a lot of careful planning. Their fear that they’re failing could be causing them to stay in indecision with needing to prepare for the future. But in order to move forward, the divine is suggesting: no more overthinking and over-planning. To allow themselves to be the Knight of Swords and to start acting. Once they do, allow the momentum of the Eight of Wands to carry them forward. The Knight wants them to trust that they know what to do and take that leap forward.

Reading C: If we get the Four of Swords, then the divine is advising that you take a step back! Even though the 3rd card in the spread is about how to move forward, the advice doesn’t have to be about forward movement! The Four of Swords suggests that this is a contemplative time, and it’s okay to not move forward right now, because it’s not the right time.
The Page of Swords and the Hanged Man from earlier in the spread indicates that they are still in the beginning of this learning journey and to give themselves some grace! Being new at something can be frustrating, but learning takes time. The Hanged Man also suggests seeing things from a new perspective. Rather than seeing this time as ‘stuck’ perhaps one can see it as the divine giving us time to slow down and ‘figure ourselves out’. For now, the divine invites them to give themselves permission to take it slow.
Final tip: Allow flow between interpretations and positions
The above are only example interpretations and can shift depending on the person, situation, energy, etc. But hopefully the examples help you see how a spread can come together, as well as how different the reading can go depending on the cards! When reading a spread, it’s important that you don’t let the positions of each card confine you too much. As you can see from the above examples, the question / issue card can give solutions, and vice versa. Let the cards speak to you!
Try the spread out and let me know how it goes! As always, I love to hear about it! Email me at
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