About The Journey Tarot Library2024-06-01T08:42:00-07:00

The Journey Tarot Library

The Journey Tarot Library aims to share the deep wisdom of the Tarot in a heart-centered, empowered, and resonant way. Learn More

Released Articles

The Five of Wands – The Neighbor Situation

The Five of Wands Themes: Conflict, immaturity, battle of egos, infighting My Five of Wands story The Neighbor Situation My partner and I had been living in a 4-unit building for two months, when we received a typed letter on Thanksgiving Day 2014 from our neighbor downstairs. Here’s an approximate excerpt of what was said. (Name has [...]

The Knight of Swords — The Imperfect Defender We Sometimes Need

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The Four of Cups — When We’re Offered a Gift, Kicking and Screaming

The Four of Cups Themes: apathy, cynicism, choices, blessing in disguise My Four of Cups story When we’re offered a gift, kicking and screaming. In my late 20s, I was a marketer for a startup that was having trouble getting another round of funding. With money tight, the CEO called my manager into the office and told [...]


The Journey Tarot Library is
part storytelling /
part commentary /
part resource.

The Journey Tarot Library aims to share the deep wisdom of the Tarot in a heart-centered, empowered, and resonant way. By sharing personal stories, we create empathy and greater connection, with real life examples of each Tarot card. When appropriate, commentary is offered on a subject or card to reclaim fear-based views, and shift the conversation to a higher perspective.

This collection includes knowledge gained from a decade-long study of the Tarot, my own spiritual journeying, channelings from my guides & higher self, and experience as a Tarot & Energy Intuitive. My intention is for this compilation to continue to evolve as truths are alighted. New content will be added without any particular order. Although I honor the system of Tarot, the journey is rarely linear; we seldom pull cards in order, reflecting both the chaos of life and the creative process.

I hope that this Library can be a resource to Tarot learners, spiritual seekers and curious souls who desire a more open, compassionate and profound relationship with the card or spiritual concept.

Much gratitude to all in the co-creation of the Journey Tarot Library.

-Bonnie Ho Gabaeff

Commission Disclosure

Please note that the library contains affiliate links and I would be paid a commission if you make a purchase. These are items that I recommend and am writing about as a natural part of the story. Thank you for supporting my service work!

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