Become a Member

Support The Journey Circle while supporting your own spiritual growth

Never miss a class

Become a Journey Circle member and you’re automatically signed up to every Journaling with Tarot class. You will also receive its recordings, so that you can keep pace even when you can’t be there live.

The Tarot Journey Membership

The Tarot Journey Membership is $10 per month, and benefits include:

  • Recordings of Journaling with Tarot every week
  • Access to entire library of replays of Journaling with Tarot thus far — beginning with The Fool
  • Access the Zoom link to Journaling with Tarot without sign-up
  • Access to all free classes without signing up
  • Immense gratitude for supporting the work of The Journey Circle on a monthly basis

An intentional way to to dedicate yourself to understanding the wisdom of the Tarot and spiritually journeying with the Tarot through self reflection.

Thank you for your sustaining support and being part of this co-creation!

The Intuition Journey Membership

The Intuition Journey Membership is $22 per month, and benefits include:

  • Everything in the Tarot Journey Membership
  • Access to each month’s Intuition Circle Workshop  
  • Monthly Group Mentorship Session (For Intuition Journey Members only!) 
  • All 1-Day Workshops at The Journey Circle will be included with this membership
  • Access to live Zoom link & entire library of replays to all of the above!

A grounded option for those who want to develop their intuition or, to develop as a tarot reader or healer, learn practical techniques and get compassionate advice on your journey. 

Thank you for your sustaining support and being part of this co-creation!

Enrollment now available! 


The Journey Circle provides support to curious, sensitive souls in their spiritual journeys. Many classes and events are free, donation-optional, and low-cost, so that all are welcomed.

If you’ve enjoyed classes, meditations, events and writings at The Journey Circle, and would like to support in our service work with a one-time donation, you can do so through Buy me a coffee or Paypal here. THANK YOU!

Sending love and gratitude,

-Bonnie Ho Gabaeff

Paypal to The Journey Circle