About The Journey Circle

Facilitated by Bonnie Ho Gabaeff, The Journey Circle endeavor to be a home for curious souls to learn, reflect, discover and integrate their true authentic natures & hearts.

We offer free and sliding-scale classes, so that you can be spiritually and communally supported despite your situation. If you’re able to do so, consider providing a one-time or sustainable donation. Thank you for being part of this co-creation!

Hear your heart, own your wisdom

At the Journey Circle we believe:

  • There are no right or wrong answers. Explore for yourself your own truths.
  • Love, validation & compassion. We give loads of it to each other.
  • Permission to be YOU. Giving yourself permission is a keystone in love and acceptance. And we give plenty of it here.

Our classes are safe spaces for spiritual seekers and learners of all levels, including:

  • Tarot
  • Intuition development
  • Meditations
  • Energy Work / Healing
  • The Feminine & Masculine

The Journey Tarot Library

The Journey Tarot Library aims to share the deep wisdom of the Tarot in a heart-centered, empowered, and resonant way. By sharing personal stories, we create empathy and greater connection, with real life examples of each Tarot card. When appropriate, commentary is offered on a subject or card to reclaim fear-based views, and shift the conversation to a higher perspective.

This collection includes knowledge gained from a decade-long study of the Tarot, my own spiritual journeying, channelings from my guides & higher self, and experience as a Tarot & Energy Intuitive. My intention is for this compilation to continue to evolve as truths are alighted. New content will be added without any particular order. Although I honor the system of Tarot, the journey is rarely linear; we seldom pull cards in order, reflecting both the chaos of life and the creative process.

While I deeply believe that each seeker must find their own truths for themselves, my hope is for this library of tarot stories and definitions could act as a loving starting point, and can be a resource to those who desire a more open, compassionate and profound relationship with the card or spiritual concept.

Much gratitude to all in the co-creation of the Journey Tarot Library.

-Bonnie Ho Gabaeff

Commission Disclosure

Please note that the library contains affiliate links and I would be paid a commission if you make a purchase. These are items that I recommend and am writing about as a natural part of the story. Thank you for supporting my service work!